Bates and Brigham City

When Craig was six weeks old, Garry's dad needed help on the farm in Bates. So we sold our home for $14,000, packed up the U-Haul, and returned to Driggs. Two Gleaners from Fresno drove the kids and I in the car, and Garry and Kim drove the U-Haul. Garry's parents were building a home in Driggs at the time, so we were all at the farm house for a few weeks. We loved being on the farm and away from California, although Ruth and I had a hard time parting.
When we got to the Bates Ward, I was called to be the Young Women's Secretary and the 'Blazer' teacher in Primary. Pam and Kim paid their first tithing to Bishop Furniss. We lived in Bates for about two years until Garry's dad got well again. Then we left the farm and moved to Brigham City, Utah in 1967, where we bought a small home and Garry got a job as a Social Worker.
I did a lot of substitute teaching at the school while I was expecting our fourth child. While I was pregnant, my wonderful neighbor, Sharon, came to my rescue when a bee stung my foot. She helped me to the bathroom every hour and brought meals for the next two days. Then, on December 21, 1967, our 4 pound 7 ounce baby girl was born. Cindy was so small, Pam dressed her in doll clothes. We were so happy to have two girls and two boys. What a happy family!
(Cindy Merinda Bowen)
We had such a close bunch of neighbors on Willow Street in Brigham City. We were in Bishop Jerry Twitchell's Ward, and Sharon and Dan Cameron lived across the street from us and spoiled us. They had such a tiny house and big family, yet insisted on having us over for Christmas dinner the day we brought Cindy home from the hospital. The Ogles Family were friends of ours before they moved. Pam was friends with Elizabeth Ogles. Then The Becksteads moved in just south of us. Kathleen and Karl had five boys and Becky. Pam was friends with Becky Beckstead and Danene Cameron. Kim's friends were Bobby Beckstead, Brett Barber, and Perry Griffin. Craig played with the Beckstead boys, and we really got along well.
When little Cindy was only a month old, the Brigham City School District called to ask if I would take over a Kindergarten class, as the teacher was very ill. So I finished out the school year at Hillview, and had an older grandparent couple come in to tend the children. Kim was in second grade and Pam was in first grade. I was also asked to start a new church course in our ward, the "Teacher Trainer" class. It was a busy few years!
In 1969 there was a celebration for the 100th anniversary of the Railroad coming through Utah. It was joined at Promentary Point, west of Brigham City. My parents had just returned from their mission to Texas and were leaving to Florida on their second mission, so they stopped in Brigham City to join us for the celebration and ceremony.
(Jennie and Job Hemsley at the Brigham City Celebration 1969)
In September 1969, I was asked to start the first Kindergarten at Lake View Elementary School where Kim and Pam attended, only three blocks from our home in Brigham City. I had 70 Kindergarten students: 35 in the morning, and 35 in the afternoon.
(Nada Bowen 1969)
In January 1970, Garry got a job as a Social Worker in Twin Falls and had to leave me behind for 6 months with my four little ones and 70 Kindergarten students. He found a little house in Murtaugh, Idaho by the lake for $40 a month, and spent February and March painting inside and out for free rent. We would go and see him every other weekend, and the kids had fun staying in sleeping bags, but we missed him as we struggled through.
(Garry and Nada Bowen Family 1969)

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