Idaho Falls

Garry and I were called to be temple workers for the Idaho Falls Temple in April. Leaving home at 3:30 a.m. was a bit hard, but we received so many blessings. Each Thursday night was like Christmas Eve. We were excited, nervous, and full of anticipation about what new experiences we would be having at the Temple the next day. I remember the first time I stood in Prayer Meeting when I introduced myself. I looked over those 60+ Sisters and could hardly speak, as I felt I had been lifted up into Heaven and stood before a multitude of angels.
Cindy had her first baby, Merinda Christensen, on July 7th.
(Merinda Christensen)
We sold our beloved farm in Driggs to Blake Hall, and moved to Idaho Falls in September. On Halloween night there were very few patrons visiting the temple, so we sat down and had a wonderful visit with Brother Kershaw and his wife from Sugar City. In December we celebrated our 40th Anniversary, and received a beautiful memory quilt from our children.
(40th Anniversary Memory Quilt)
We spent Christmas in Eagle with Pam's family that year.
While working in the temple, I had the opportunity to play prelude music on the chapel organ. It was a wonderful experience. Then I was called to be the organist for a few months in our new ward in Idaho Falls, so I felt I had been somewhat prepared with my temple organ experience. On April 6th the Palmyra Temple dedication was broadcast across the nation. Cindy found my dad's white handkerchief for me to take as we attended the dedication at the Bountiful Stake Center, which was very appropriate since my dad and sister Ruth both served in the Palmyra mission. Beth's husband, Reed Hollist, passed away in April, and we spent Easter in Cheyenne with Kim and Craig's families. Cameron and Merinda celebrated their July birthdays this summer by taking some cute pictures together.
(Cameron Bartschi and Merinda Christensen 2000)
Cindy finished her Masters Degree at B.Y.U. in August.
(Cindy and Merinda)
Craig baptized his son Joseph at the beginning of November.
(Craig, Jenessa and Joseph Bowen)
 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration at Kim and Sandy's home in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Cindy invited us for Christmas that year.
Pam's oldest son, Jason, graduated from Eagle High school in May. That summer our Bowen Family came together for a fun reunion up at Altura's Lake in Stanley, Idaho.
(Nada and Garry Bowen 2001)
(Garry and Nada Bowen Family 2001)
Garry began working for the Post Register, driving 300 miles a day making deliveries all the way to Challis. During the summer he enjoyed fishing and hiking on the way home from making his deliveries. I was busy working on our Hemsley History with my brother Dan, and we had 50 copies printed in July, which we sold at the Hemsley Reunion in August. 
The Twin Tower disaster in New York happened on September 11th. Mom's brother, Dewaine Silvester, passed away in October while we were in Cheyenne helping Kim and Sandy's family get ready to move from Wyoming to Mississippi. 
Craig was in three plays this year: "Sound of Music," "1776" as John Adams, and "A Christmas Carol" as Charles Dickens. Garry's brother Milo passed away on December 3rd. We spent Christmas at Cindy's, and her little Aubree was born on December 27th.
(Merinda and Aubree Christensen)
Our oldest grandson, Jason, received his mission call in April to Sao Paulo, Brazil! I started working on our Silvester Family History. We went to Cheyenne for our granddaughter Christina's high school graduation in May, and celebrated her achievement for earning the Young Women's Medallion.
I was called to be the assistant supervisor at the Idaho Falls Temple in June. While we were in Boise for Jason's temple endowment session, we bought a camper trailer from Pam's neighbor to keep in Challis for Garry to use on his delivery route. In August we had a Hemsley reunion in Ogden, Utah.
My dad's sister, Ellen, passed away in November. We attended the funeral in Preston, Idaho, and spent two hours laughing and crying with every story that was shared. She always insisted on dressing up with beads, earrings, and a clean dress every morning. She also got her hair and nails done weekly. The week before she passed away, she had been to a get-together with all her daughters and grand daughters and had been the winner of her favorite card game. Her mind was very sharp, as was her humor.
Craig did a wonderful job as the lead in "My Fair Lady," "The Scarlett Pimpernel," and "A Christmas Carol." Craig's daughter, Jenessa, followed closely in his footsteps and played the lead in "Annie." She did a wonderful job!
(Jenessa as "Annie" 2002)
In January, Craig had the lead in "The King And I" at Roger's Theater in Bountiful.
(Craig Bowen in "The King and I")
We saw it again in February on our way down to Bilouxi, Mississippi for Scott Bowen's Eagle award ceremony. We gave him a wall hanging quilt with an eagle on it. Kim's daughter, Christina, got engaged to John Mitchem from Alabama, so Pam and I started working on her temple quilt in April. Dana and Scott both graduated from high school in May. We went to Sugar City in July for the 100 year Centennial Celebration. Dana entered the nursing program at Boise State University in August. Christina and John Mitchem were married in the Salt Lake Temple on September 5th.
(Christina Bowen and John Mitchem 2003)
We had a small family reception for them at Cindy's house, where we presented them with the temple quilt Pam and I had worked on for several months.
(Temple Quilt made for Christina's Wedding by Nada and Pam)
My mom's sister, Aunt Zelda, passed away on October 19th. Pam's family came and spent Thanksgiving with us in November. Kim's son, Scott, got his mission call to Bellingham, England! In December the First Presidency announced that the church was going to build a new temple in Rexburg!
Scott went through the Alabama temple for his endowments in January, then Cindy and I flew to Mississippi for his farewell in February. We all got to be on the same flight home as Scott was traveling to the M.T.C. How wonderful it was to receive letters from our two missionary grandsons, Jason in Brazil, and Scott in England. Cindy gave birth to her first son, Zachary Jed Christensen, on April 5th.
(Zachary Jed Christensen)
She developed a blood clot and was in the hospital for eight days, so I was there to bring Zach to the hospital for her every day. Kim and Sandy were transferred to Norway in June, and I was released as a temple coordinator. We sold our home in Idaho Falls and moved to Mackay, Idaho in July.

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