Life Goes On

(Garry Bowen's Headstone in Bates, Driggs Cemetery)
After Garry passed away, Kim stayed with me in Rigby for three weeks and helped me with all the insurance paperwork. We went to Boise to spend Easter with Pam's family, and decided on Garry's headstone which would be completed by Memorial Day. Before Kim left, we went up to the Rexburg Temple and out to Plano to visit my folks' grave, then up to Driggs to visit Garry's grave. I decided to go with Kim back to Arizona and spent a wonderful 2 and half weeks there before heading back home to Idaho. In May I spent two weeks at Cindy's helping with kids while they moved back into their beautiful, newly remodeled, home. I became ill with a virus that lasted for several months during the summer. Dana gave birth to her first daughter, Shaelyn Critchfield, on July 29th. My second great-grandchild!
(Shaelyn Critchfield)
Rhoda celebrated her 89th birthday in August. We honored her with a big family dinner and wrote many tributes to her. 
Scott Bowen married Julie Pfau in September and I was able to make their temple quilt at Cindy's.
(Scott Bowen and Julie Pfau 2008)
Kim and Sandy met us in Utah for conference in October and we had a nice gathering with John and Dana, Pam, Craig, and kids. We even managed to get a five generation picture with Dana's baby, Shaelyn, and Rhoda.
(Dana and Shaelyn Critchfield, Pam Bartschi, Nada Bowen, and Rhoda Bowen 2008)
I went back to Arizona for Scott and Julie's wedding reception dinner on the 11th of October. Christina had her baby boy on the 19th and named him Jack Leonard Mitchem. My 3rd great-grandchild!
(Jack Leonard Mitchem)
I kept myself busy during November working on quilted Christmas socks and wrapping gifts. Cindy and Jed came for Thanksgiving and helped me set up my tree and lights. It was great having them, and I enjoyed my decorations until I left for Kim's on December 11th. I had a fun week shopping and baking with Sandy and going with Kim to Christmas events on the Air Force base. On the 18th of December they surprised me with four red roses with a big white one in the middle from Garry. They lasted 10 days! Tina and John came for Christmas, and the house was full to the brim, mostly with love. I flew to Boise with John and Dana on the 30th and they brought me home on January 2nd. It was a wonderful Christmas vacation!
Pam, Dana, John, and I went to the Rexburg Temple for a session before they left to go back to Boise. It was a wonderful way to start out the new year. Two weeks later I attended the Idaho Falls Temple with Rhoda and Evelyn as Shanelle (Milo and Evelyn's granddaughter) was taking her endowments out. I attended Shanelle's wedding in Logan on the 21st and it was very nice.
I had a nice visit with Cindy's kids over Valentine's Day weekend as she stayed home to work on scrapbooks. I knew March was going to be a difficult month for me, as Garry's death anniversary was approaching, but the kids helped me so much. I went down to Utah and saw Jenessa's play "Aida" where she sang two beautiful parts and was a great actress. My favorite Silvester cousin, Cleo, was killed in a car accident on the same day that Garry had passed away last year. I went to the graveside service in Teton with Nancy and Carol.
Cindy's family invited me to go to Disneyland with them in April. It was fun to see and experience their excitement. Another Disney adventure happened the following month, as Pam and Craig took their four boys and went to Florida to stay with Kim and Sandy and go to Disney World! They had a great week, and it was sure fun to see all their pictures.
(Pam and Kim's Family in Disneyworld 2009)
Garry's golden mission contact and good friend, Marv Parnell, passed away in May. The funeral was in Kansas. Then Garry's Aunt Beulah passed away on May 18th. It was a beautiful funeral, and her family has been so wonderful to let us live in her home for the past 3 years. Jenessa's graduation was in June, so I went to Utah and watched her sing in the honor choir. She received a full-ride scholarship to Weber State University in Ogden! I sure am proud of her.
Craig came back with me to visit Garry's grave and we took some pictures. Pam's family joined us for my 71st birthday on the 16th. Ellis and I spent several weeks working on a playhouse for my back yard. It was made with white paneling and it was so fun for Grandma and the kids. We finished it just hours before Rhoda's 90th Birthday celebration on our back lawn. Many visitors from Driggs came and we had a great crowd with all of her grandchildren.
At the end of August, Kim, Pam, and Craig came over for their 30th High School Class reunion in Sugar City. We went to Driggs that weekend and cleaned out the old storage grainery after having been gone nearly 10 years. In September I went in for back surgery to alleviate the chronic pain I was having, but half of the problem didn't hold, so I went in again on the 28th and had another one. My wonderful nieces (Beth and Ruth's girls) took me to and from appointments and stayed with me. Pam came up for a week and I was able to go home on October 1st, but was only there for two weeks and got a staph infection. So I went back to the hospital until the 22nd. Since I had to be on daily IV antibiotic infusions, I decided to go back to Eagle with Pam so she could drive me to the hospital every day. While I was there, we decided it would be best for me to get a condo in Eagle and the family would move me from Rigby.
I stayed with my cousin Nadeen while Pam and Craig flew to Arizona to attend Dana's BSN graduation at the University of Phoenix. Then on the 21st of November they went to Rigby to collect all my things. So many friends and family came and helped with the move, and Pam's boys brought the truck full of furniture back to Eagle.
(Garry and Nada Bowen)
On December 18th Garry and I would have been married 50 years. I have such wonderful memories and gratefulness for my eternal sweetheart, family, and the peace and comfort that has been given me from the Lord to adjust and go through these last few months. 

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